Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Let me start of by telling you that I did go to school on a Saturday.
How cool.

So valentines day was fun.

I had fun with them. (:

The days after Saturday went by pretty quickly.
School has been and will always be school.

I remember having a lot of things to blog about but now that i am blogging i don't remember what it was about. *shrugs*

When you have good days, you'll have bad days to replace them good ones. I guess its about time.

So, Mia picked me up yesterday ( Wednesday ) just because. (:
We went to Taman Tun so that she could eat.
We also went to the Taman Tun park which i haven't been to in ages. It was nice. The weather was awesome, the park was empty. Another one of those days.

We just drove around and she sent me home after.

And today, i slept my whole afternoon away. I've been really tired lately.
I wake up late EVERYDAY. Im not even kidding.
I struggle to wake up on time. And that sucks.

So much for going jogging earlier.

This picture is what is on my wallpaper now.
I miss this.

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