Friday, 13 February 2009

Happy early velentines day.
It's Friday the 13th today.

Chris Brown is an ass for hitting Rihanna and causing her to postpone her concert here.
We were really excited.

There's no excuse for a guy to hit a girl.
No excuse at all.

Apparently this picture is a fake.
But if this is what she looks like now, i swear Chris Brown's career is over.
Not like it's not already.

So back to REAL news.

Valentines day tomorrow.
We have school.
And believe it or not, i am going.
First time ever. :O

So im sure ya'll wanna know what my plans are for tomorrow.

Im going rock climbing with Sukim, Sha and Nat.
A year ago on valentines day i got a phone call from one Natasha Lim. (:
And also i was at OU with these people.

Ah, good old days.

I barely even talk to them anymore.
Not barely. Like not at all.

So, some things have got me thinking this past few days.
Still can't stop thinking about it.

Im not worth as much as you're worth to me.
You really don't deserve me.

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