Sunday, 21 September 2008

okay it's 9.02am now.

i can't believe i didn't sleep. (:
eyes are gonna be like shit.

no one's up yet except for my maid. ah peace and quiet.

what i was doing you ask?

i watched all 3 episodes of gossip girl season 2. (:
it feels good. haha.
you just cant get enough of it i swear.
i know it's like all drama and shit about american kids and how they live.
it's just the thrill of it all.
the " i wish it was me " feeling.
and their oh so good looking cast.
and clothes that sets trends.
so yummy. (:

i should get a life. haha.
i spend an entire night doing absolutely nothing that'll benefit me.

3 words, 8 letters.
bringing back everything i left.

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