Wednesday, 24 September 2008

I am scared. I dont know what brought this on. I just feel scared.

Just scared of everything. It feels like all my secrets are gonna be revealed.

Its not like i killed someone or anything. But everyone has secrets they dont want certain people to know.

Im feeling paranoid. Feeling left behind. Like being ditched.

Omg. I am so confused.

I feel numb at the same time too. Its so hard to explain.

Pluss the work load from school. The nearing exam dates. The constant pressure.

Everyday is a tiring day. Everyday i wish i could just sleep through it. Everyday i wish that things would be normal.

I guess not.


rbbrmlk said...

WELL hello hello what happened to your chatbox ?

nak tak main futsal ? :P

Anonymous said...

i haaaaattteeeee that header picture! i look evil! =.='