Monday, 27 October 2008

so yesterday, was sunday.

i literally woke up and called sukim, then 2 mins later mia called.

" babe, i come pick you up now."
" huh? i just like literally woke up. "
" get ready la i come pick you up. "

so yeah mia came and we headed to curve for lunch.

she drove here btw.
with her dad's HUGE ass land cruiser.

it looked like that.
but cleaner. (:

so we bumped into carrie, sukim and the rest there.
got bored waiting for anysa to come so we thought lets go for a ride.
she drove all the way to subang.

so i said, i wanna try to drive that.
she said okay.

so i drove around for a while in the housing area.
it was fun driving such a big car.
then we decided to head back to the curve.

and guess what?
I DROVE! hahaha.
all the way from subang to the curve.
first time driving on the highway.

thank god nothing happened. (:
im so proud of myself. hehe.

got back to curve and waiting for me there, was carrie, sukim, sarah and sarah parmar.
they bought cupcakes and yeah.
thanks. :D

walked to ikea to meet up with anysa.

alya and adam was there as well.
anysa's brother is sooo cute.

and and, can you believe it.
i watched high school musical 3 again.
with anysa this time.

zac efron. *melts*


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