Wednesday, 17 September 2008

tagged by sukim.

this things are not in any particular order. (:

6 things i m passionate abt:
* reading
* music
* surfing the net
* shopping
* i wish i could say school, but no. sleeping, yes. (:
* driving! if i could do it legally.

6 things i say to often:
* shit
* geez
* hahaha
* okay
* mhhm
* hello?

6 books i read recently:
* twilight
* new moon
* eclipse
* kite runner
* a thousand splendid sunsets
* eldest

6 songs i can listen over and over again:
* love bug
* emotional remix
* disturbia
* take a bow
* im yours
* gone

6 things i learn abt in the past year:
* good memories are made with the right people.
* studying last minute is stressful.
* expecting something never works.
* crying is totally okay.
* missing someone sucks big time.
* moving on takes time.

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