Monday, 15 September 2008

okay now i just cant stop blogging. the phone makes it easier too. (:

Its 1.30 on a school night. ergh, school tomorrow.

I cant sleep. Im listening to songs and thinking. just thinking. Im undecided and confused.

but i think i know what to do. oh how i hate making desicions.

what am i thinking about you ask. Im thinking about what to eat for sahur later. DUH. hahaha!

no, im actually thinking about much much more. I wanna sleep and not wake up but not die either. Can ah? (:

Im getting sleepy. Laters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAAAAYY better layout. :)
previous one was UGLYYYY.
friends dont lie.
anyway, stop being stupid and stop emoing.
you better sleep early.
will give you the talk when we have time soon. :)