Tuesday, 30 September 2008

i wish everything i wanted would come true. Wouldn't you?

Wont life be sooooo much easier?

I want too many things. The list will go on and never end till im 50 or even older.

Sometimes i wish i would just be a girl. You know like a girl girl. You know what i mean.

Changing is harder than you think. It's not easy to completely change who i am. Its like asking me to change my name or grow a beard.

I miss a dozen people right now. Like i really seriously miss them. To name a few,
Natasha lim
Malini mahmud
Anysa hamid
Shalma aina
And the list goes on.

See how i think when im lying in my bed at night.

Anyways, selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin.

Happy hols.

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